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Classical Human Anatomy pt.4

Todays blog post is the next chapter of the book Classical Human Anatomy by Valerie L.Winslow. An Amazing book, if your interested in learn more about anatomy check out the book.

The Skeletal System by Valerie L.Winslow

Anterior view of Skeleton

Posterior view of Skeleton by Valerie L.Winslow

Axial Skeleton and Appendicular Skeleton by Valerie L.Winslow

Bones Classified by Shape by Valerie L.Winslow

Surface Features of Bones from Classical Human Anatomy

Surface Features of Bones

Joints, Fibrous Joints, Cartilaginous Joints, Classical Human Anatomy

Joints and their Classification from Classical Human Anatomy

Synovial Joints of the Skeleton from Classical Human Anatomy

Types of Synovial Joints from Classical Human Anatomy

Movement at Synovial Joints notes