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Milton Glaser Early Work

Todays blog post is more POP Milton Glaser, enjoy!

Milton Glaser Early Work Description

Cooper Union 1951 Year Book: The Cable, Illustration by Milton Glaser

A Man of Many Part, Kame's Catalog, Set for a Happy Holiday illustrations by Milton Glaser

Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine cover 1945

Various Cover Designs by Milton Glaser

Davy Crockett's Own Story: The Autobiography of America's Greatest Folk Hero 1955

Untitled Paper Doll Assembly 1957-58 Push Pin Studios

The Push Pin Almanack illustrations 1954-55

The Push Pin Almanack 1954-55

Westminster Album Covers Sign Milton, believe to be Glaser Earliest Professional Album Covers

Hometown Jamboree by The Main Street String Band album cover 1954, Tony Scott Septet album cover 1955

Robin Hood/ Treasure Island, Gloria/ Concerto San Lorenzo, Nathan Milstein Violin album covers by Miton Glaser

Concerto for Orchestra, Concerto in G Major, Antigonae album cover by Milton Glaser 1955

Dr. Johnson on the Human Horizon ad late 1950's Container Corporation of America