Art & Animation

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FRANK production blog 3

Animation is a long process, I’ve said it before and i’ll say it again. Even the smallest of projects require a large amount of time. Not only because of the large amount of drawing involved but also because the process will demand story changes which require new drawings. When I story board my projects I usually do a few variation of the scene.

FRANK storyboard variation 1

FRANK storyboard variation 2

Above are two story board variations from when I first started Frank, you can see how much the character has evolved since the 1st design. Both shots show the character dropping his roses and walking out of frame, I struggled a bit trying to find the best way to show that. One is or should I say is suppose to be a 3/4 angle, Frank walk towards the camera, the other is a frontal shot where Frank moves from left to right.

Sketch for frontal angle

Pencil version of the frontal angle

Colored version of 3/4 angle