Looney Tunes layouts

Today’s update is some looney tunes layouts. Looney Tunes is in my opinion the best cartoon series of all time. Everything from layouts to animation to music, they are a huge part of my childhood and probably the subconscious reason why i went into animation.

X-Men the animated series production cells

Today update are more beautiful production cells from the X-MEN en animated series. All these beautiful cells can be ground in the book X-Men the art and making of the animated series. I LOVE every single page from this book. If you are an animation fan or an X-Men fan I can not recommend this book more!

Winsor Mckay and Gertie the Dinosaur

Today’s update are some images from settting the scene; the art and evolution of animation layout. These images are on Winsor Mckay the godfather of animation. If you don’t know about Winsor Mckay, he was a pioneer of 2D animation. He created Gertie the Dinosaur (animated by his assistant John Fitzsimmons) it was a great act never before seen. We thank him for his ingenuity, he played a big roll in popularizing the animated cartoon.

winsor mckay and gertie

winsor mckay and gertie

gertie the dinosaur

gertie the dinosaur

winsor mckay

winsor mckay

Stranger Things Fan Art pt.1

Todays update is about Stranger Things. I LOVE that show and have rewatched it many times. I found a great book at the library called Visions from the Upside Down. Its a collection of fan art. I will be updating a bunch of beautiful illustrations in the coming post

Eileen Steinbach

Eileen Steinbach

Blake Stevenson

Blake Stevenson

Tony Hodgkinson

Tony Hodgkinson

Andrew Swainson

Andrew Swainson

Donny Gillies

Donny Gillies

Nick Taylor

Nick Taylor

Chris Willdig

Chris Willdig

Matt Riste

Matt Riste

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Setting the Scene pt.2

today’s update is more beautiful scans from Setting the Scene the art and evolution of animation layout

what a beautiful vertical pan from Pepe le Pew Heaven Scent

what a beautiful vertical pan from Pepe le Pew Heaven Scent

The Art of Coco pt.9

today’s update is more Coco. we are almost done with this book. enjoy these last few post, and check the book out at your local library