
Your Friend The Rat Color Scripts

Todays update are some beautiful color scripts from Pixar’s Ratatouille short titled Your Friend The Rat. A beautiful short and one of my favorite short films from Pixar. I love the way they tell their history, the visuals are great and its the type of animation short that really captures my attention…ENJOY!

your friend the rat color scripts
your friend the rat color scripts
your friend the rat color scripts
your friend the rat color scripts
your friend the rat color scripts
your friend the rat color scripts

A Bug's Life, The Complete Colorscript

Todays update is a massive color script for Pixar’s A Bug’s Life. The film was a huge success and one of my favorites for sure. Below is the entire color script for the film as seen in the book, The Art Of Pixar; The Complete Color script from 25 Years of feature Films. The credit goes to Bill Cone from 1996-1998 done in Pastel.

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The Art of Coco pt.9

today’s update is more Coco. we are almost done with this book. enjoy these last few post, and check the book out at your local library