Dev Jam Labs…my side project

today update is about a side project i been involved with for a few years now. one of my titles in my day job is animation consultant/producer, this means i help create digital content. i have been involved with a project called “The Adventures of Mic & Sim”. i am co-writer/director/producer/animator. it’s a very small group of motivated talented men located in long island NY. we are trying to establish a community of like minded individuals.

the images below are from our website which we launched recently, we have a production blog and update once a week. the project is wrapping up its pre-production stage and will be entering full on production within the coming months. we are working with mainly open source softwares, we love the open source community and will be using Blender 3D for the majority of our production.

have a look at the site! we at Dev-Jam Labs appreciate it!
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