Empire of the Sum pt.2

Todays blog post is more Empire of the Sum

oil painting of john napier, emipre of the sum

Oil Painting of John Napier in 1616

logarithm chart, empire of the sum

Logarithm Chart

table of logarithms, emipre of the sum

Table of Logarithms

Logarithm Chart in John Napier Mirifici Logarithmorum Canonis Descriptio, logarithm chart

Logarithm Chart in John Napier Mirifici Logarithmorum Canonis Descriptio

geometrical and military compass, galileo sector

Geometrical and Military Compass by Galileo

edmund gunter rule, hsitorical scientific intrument

Brass Gunter Rule

diagram of gunter scale, empire of the sum

Gunter Scale

slide ruler diogram, gunter scale

Slide Rule

mid seventeenth circular rule

Mid Seventeenth Century Circular Slide Rule

Early Twentieth Century Slide Rule

Early Twentieth Century Slide Rule

slide rule of sally k ride

Slide Rule of Dr.Sally K.Ride, first american woman in space