Empire of the Sum pt.6

Todays blog post is more Empire of the Sum: The Rise and Reign of the Pocket Calculator, enjoy!

empire of the sum, the rise and reign of the pocket calculator, cal tech prototype, texas instruments

The Cal Tech Prototype

empire of the sum, the rise and reign of the pocket calculator, pocketronic, canon, cal tech

The Pocketronic

empire of the sum, the rise and reign of the pocket calculator, the busicom handy le, le 120A

The Busicom Handy LE aka LE-120A

empire of the sum, the rise and reign of the pocket calculator, the busicom 141 pf, intel's 4004, interl cpu

The Busicom 141 PF

empire of the sum, the rise and reign of the pocket calculator, intel's 4004 cpu

Intel’s Seminal 4004 CPU

empire of the sum, the rise and reign of the pocket calculator, hp 9100a, hewlett packard calculator

Hewlett-Packard’s HP 9100A prototype

empire of the sum, the rise and reign of the pocket calculator, hp 35

HP 35 Pocket Calculator

empire of the sum, the rise and reign of the pocket calculator, cochran algorithms

Cochran algorithm