Todays blog post is more of Milton Glaser art, Milton Glaser was a very versatile artist and the images below are from his silhouettes and shadows works, enjoy!
The Push Pin Monthly Graphic No 21 & 22 Magazine Covers
Silhouettes and Shadows Chapter
The Push Pin Monthly Graphic Magazine Covers, Capri and The Circus 1959 and 1969
A Loss of Roses by William Inge, Esquire Magazine Illustration 1960
The Devil’s Pi by Eli Canter and Milton Glaser 1967
The Sitter for a Satyr by George Andrzeyevksi, Season’s Greetings Holiday Card, Shadowlight Theatre Poster, Approach to Greek Art by Charles Seltman
The Collected Stories, White Paper: Poems, Letters from an American Farmer, The Raven and the Whale, The Scorpions, Totempole, Lives of the Poets, New Maps of Hell, Book Covers
Various book covers by Milton Glaser