Dominique Louis

The Art of Ratatouille pt.2

Today update is a massive character highlight for Pixar’s Ratatouille. The scan below are from their Art Of series. I will be post the book within the coming days.Enjoy!

Rat 9.png

Rat 10.png

Rat 12.png

Rat 14.png

Rat 13.png

Rat 15.png

Rat 16.png

Rat 17.png

Rat 18.png

Rat 19.png

Rat 21.png

Rat 23.png

Rat 24.png

Rat 25.png

Rat 26.png

Monsters Inc. Colorscirpts

Todays post is more Pixar colorscripts, this one form one of my favorite’s Monsters Inc. I adore this movie, they got everything right, and the pastel colorscripts are just so beautiful, they are done by Dominique Louis. I apologize for the way they upload, they are really big and if I uploading properly they will shrink in size. One of my goals for my blog is to share high quality art with viewers around the world. Enjoy!

Monsters inc color scripts
monsters inc color scripts
monsters inc color scripts
monster inc color scripts
monsters in color scripts
monsters inc  color scripts