Scans from the book The Art of Wreck it Ralph, incuded are the ColorScripts for the film
Read MoreWreck it Ralph Color Script

Scans from the book The Art of Wreck it Ralph, incuded are the ColorScripts for the film
Read Moretoday’s up date is about one of my favorite anime’s of all time. A short mini series from the 2000’s. FLCL is impossible to describe so i won’t try, just enjoy the it on youtube. Below are some studies n doodles, and a book from the studio behind the show Gainex (GOAT)
a few boards from episode 3
This book has mostly rough boards but there are some that have been detailed and they are amazing. As a youth having this book was super inspiring, giving my love for the show. Till this day i still flip through it. Footy Cooley got a sequel a in 2019 i’ve yet to watch it. I might some day.
this book is sooo beautiful, if u are a fan i suggest it, it’s worth the price
and it’s thick. all six episodes are boarded out
some boards are detailed
some boards are roughed
i just love how they capture the attention in their frames…master at work