The Art of Classic Human Anatomy pt.1

Classic Human Anatomy by Valerie Winslow is the post of the day. I have previously uploaded some scans from this book. Its a massive book packed with beautiful drawings and diagrams. I share this content with the intent to aid in self education for those who cant find the book in their community. Enjoy!

human anatomy book cover

The Artist Guide to Form, Function, and Movement

inside jacket of anatomy book
figure drawing of mans back side
figure drawings of men posing

Classic Human Anatomy by Valerie L. Winslow

table of context from classic human anatomy
book index
book index
backview pencil drawing of model, figure drawing

Back View of Standing Model

acknowledgment page
frontal twist nude figure drawing

Figure Drawing of Nude Frontal

preface page
old anatomy studies by leonardo de vinci, shoulder and arm anatomy studies

Shoulder and Arm Anatomy Studies

introduction page for classic human anatomy

Anatomy and Figurative Arts

wood cut of hippocrates galen and avicenna siting and writing

The Evolution of Anatomical Science

dissection scene, mondino de luzzi showing his assistant where to cut the cadaver

Mondino de Luzzi 14th Century Anatomist

superficial dissection anterior view by jan stephan van kalker

Muscles of the Body Superficial Dissection Anterior View by Jan Stephan van Kalkar

red chalk anatomy drawing of the male leg

Muscles of the Male Leg by Michelangelo Buonarroti