Todays blog post is the start of a new Star Wars book. This is The Art of Episode 2 Attack of the Clones. I am a fan of the series am a even bigger fan of the original concept art by the great Ralph Mcquarrie. Unfortunately his work is not a part of this trilogy but there is some beautiful stuff non the less. Enjoy!
Star Wars Episode 2 Attack of the Clones Written by Mark Cotta Vaz
Sith Character and Massiff Model by Dermont Power, Micheal Patrick Murnane, Robert E. Barnes
Intro Jacket Words
Coruscant Space Travelers
Geonosian Area Concept Art by Dermont Power, Iain McCaig, Edwin Natividad
Forward by George Lucas and Palpatines Conference Room by Gavin Bocquet, Caine Dickinson, Lain McCaig
Introduction and, Alien Concept art by Gavin Bocquet, Caine Dickinson, Lain McCaig
Episode 2 Attack of the Clones Introduction
Padmes Naboo Lakeside Retreat Thumbnails Concept Art by Erik Tiemens
Conceptual Designs by Erik Tiemens
Attack of the Clones Concept art by Doug Chiang, Dermont Power, Lain McCaig