The Art of Star Wars Episode 2 Attack of the Clones pt.4

Todays blog post is more The Art of Star Wars Episode 2 Attack of the Clones, Enjoy!

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Concept Art by Edwin Natividad, John Duncan

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Concept Art by Michael Patrick Mumane

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Coruscant Night Club Interiors by Edwin Natividad and Marc Gabbana

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Coruscant Night Club Interior by Marc Gabbana

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Coruscant Night Club Costumes by Dermot Power

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Concept Art by Dermot Power

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Concept Art by Dermot Power, Edwin Natividad, Jay Shuster, Marc Gabbana

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Coruscant Space Port and Freighters by Jay Shuster, Marc Gabbana

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Coruscant Space Port and Freighters and Padme Disguise by Doug Chiang, Marc Gabbana, Dermot Power