The Art of Star Wars Episode 2 Attack of the Clones pt.5

Todays blog post is more The Art of Star Wars Episode 2 Attack of the Clones, enjoy!

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Jedi Temple Concept Art by Erik Tiemens

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Jedi Temple Concept Art by Erik Tiemens

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Jedi Temple Interiors Concept Art by Edwin Natividad, Doug Chiang and Kurt Kaufman

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Jedi Temple Interiors Conceptual Color Schemes by Gavin Bocquet

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Jedi Archive Room Interiors by Jay Shuster and Kurt Kaufman

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Obi-Wan’s Jedi StarFighter & Landing Platform Concept Art by Doug Chiang

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Obi-Wan’s Jedi StarFighter & HyperSpace Ring Concept Art by Doug Chiang, Jay Shuster, John Duncan, R. Kim Smith

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Dexter’s Diner, Cook & Waitress Droid Concept Art by Marc Gabbana, Dermot Power, Warren Fu

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Dexter Jettster & Cook Droid Concept Art by Dermot Power, Michael Patrick Mumane, Warren Fu