The Art of Tom Slick

Todays blog post is more art from the book The Art of Jay Ward Productions, This post is about their show Tom Slick, enjoy!

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Model Sheet for Marigold, Tom Slick and Gertie Growler by Lew Keller

the art of jay ward productions,jay ward productions,jay ward concept art,tom slick,tom slick concept art,lew keller art

Tom Slick Chapter Intro

the art of jay ward productions,jay ward productions,jay ward concept art,tom slick,tom slick concept art,lew keller concept art tom slick,thunderbolt grease slapper concept art

Tom Slick in his Thunderbolt Grease Slapper Layout Drawing by Lew Keller

the art of jay ward productions,jay ward productions,jay ward concept art,tom slick,tom slick concept art,jim marshall concept art,lew keller concept art

Vehicle Designs by Jim Marshall and Lew Keller

the art of jay ward productions,jay ward productions,jay ward concept art,tom slick,tom slick concept art,lew keller model sheets tom slick,floyd britchess,sonya nar

Character Designs by Lew Keller and other unknown studio artist

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Baron Otto Matic and Clutcher

the art of jay ward productions,jay ward productions,jay ward concept art,tom slick,tom slick concept art,the cheap skateboard derby,the bigg race,the double cross country race

Still from The Cheap Skateboard Derby, The Bigg Race and The Double Cross Race

the art of jay ward productions,jay ward productions,jay ward concept art,tom slick,tom slick concept art