The Muscles of The Torso pt.2

Todays blog post is more Classical Human Anatomy by Valerie L. Winslow. Just a quick note, Anatomy is important to learn in the short term, but it does not determine your skill as an artist n the long term. Most of what you see you will hardly every need to know, so if you wanna learn it do it for the sake of knowledge but don’t stress being perfect.

classical human anatomy,the art of classical human anatomy,anatomy,valerie l winslow,external oblique,anatomy drawings

External Oblique

classical human anatomy,the art of classical human anatomy,anatomy,valerie l winslow,external oblique action of muscle,inguinal ligament

External Oblique Action of Muscle

classical human anatomy,the art of classical human anatomy,anatomy,valerie l winslow,serratus anaterior,anatomy drawing

Serratus Anterior

classical human anatomy,the art of classical human anatomy,anatomy,valerie l winslow,serratus anterior action of the muscle,serratus anterior drawing

Serratus Anterior

classical human anatomy,the art of classical human anatomy,anatomy,valerie l winslow,latissimus dorsi psterior view,lastissimus dorsi drawing

Lastissimus Dorsi

classical human anatomy,the art of classical human anatomy,anatomy,valerie l winslow,rhomboid major,rhomboid minor

Rhomboid Major and Rhomboid Minor

classical human anatomy,the art of classical human anatomy,anatomy,valerie l winslow,rhomboid major action of muscles,rhomboid minor,

Rhomboid Major and Rhomboid Minor

classical human anatomy,the art of classical human anatomy,anatomy,valerie l winslow,latissimus dorsi,v shape back muscle

Latissimus Dorsi V Shape

classical human anatomy,the art of classical human anatomy,anatomy,valerie l winslow,scapula group muscles,scapula muscles,supraspinatus,infraspinatus,teres minor,teres major

Muscles of the Scapula: Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, Teres Minor, Teres Major

classical human anatomy,the art of classical human anatomy,anatomy,valerie l winslow,scapula muscles,teres major,teres minor,infraspinatus,supraspinatus

Muscls of the Scapula: Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, Teres Major, Teres Minor