New animated short film news

Animation is a labor of love. I have always enjoyed creating things with my imagination as most people do, over the years I’ve created quite a few cartoons, some computer animation and some hand drawn. Its been a few years now that I’ve been chipping away at a short film.

FRANK is a short film about the things we love and life’s distractions, staring Frank our lovable big green guy


Like I said it’s an idea I been working on slowly but surely for some time now. About 1 year ago I decided it was time I finished it set it free into the world and move on some new challenge. Since then I have been investing about 60% of my time and most of my free time. I’m really glad about this, I’ve felt a big amount of increase focus in my life.

frank facials.png

FRANK is in production and Im currently finishing my second pass of animation, I will be moving on to the final pass after a final pass of back grounds is complete. There is a lot of work left to do but Im glad Im almost over the hill, everything from hear on will become easier and there for more fun.

Animation is a huge amount of work, and great animation 100X more work, but its so satisfying. Due to this I have a huge amount of art work for the film, giving It’s been in production for several years now. So I will be using this blog to share my process and my thoughts.

frank model sheet.png