
The Poster A Visual History pt.14

Todays blog post is more The Poster A Visual History, enjoy!

a FRANK update

Todays blog post is a color study from my current project title “FRANK”. Click over to my FRANK tab and check out my newest update on the project. I keep and production blog about my progress and journey with this film. Its a traditional animated project so that means it take a long time! I have been at it for about 4yrs now and can see the finish line. I hope to primier it online and at festivals around the world


MOMA Day pt.1

Today post are some beautiful classic cars! I LOVE a restored classic, these where at the MOMA in nyc. I had not been there in a few years, and jumped at the opportunity to go for work. Enjoy these beautiful cars if ur around before they leave. It was a very pleasant surprise to see these, I showed up not having any idea of what was there..n when I saw these on the 2nd floor My face lite up and i was in bliss.

Gusteaus Parisian Restaurant

Todays update is all about Gusteau. The images below are from Pixars’ Art Of Series, This one being Ratatouille. Enjoy!

Rat 121.png

Rat 117.png

Rat 118.png

Rat 119.png

Rat 120.png

Rat 122.png