Went to the MET recently and saw some of my favorite paintings and sculptures Did a little bit of drawing and painting, Enjoy some of these masterful works of art.
Mic&Sim update
Todays blog post a Mic & SIm update. Go to WWW.DEV-JAMLABS.WEEBLY.COM for our weekly updates
The Poster A Visual History pt.14
Todays blog post is more The Poster A Visual History, enjoy!
Inside Family Guy pt.13
Todays update is more Inside Family Guy
The Death Star Drawings

Scan from Ralph McQuarries concept art for Star Wars
Read Morea FRANK update
Todays blog post is a color study from my current project title “FRANK”. Click over to my FRANK tab and check out my newest update on the project. I keep and production blog about my progress and journey with this film. Its a traditional animated project so that means it take a long time! I have been at it for about 4yrs now and can see the finish line. I hope to primier it online and at festivals around the world
The City of Paris In Ratatouille
Todays post is all about Paris! The illustration below are from Pixar’s Ratatouille. These scans can be found in “The Art Of” series. I highly recommend checking it out.
The Art of Monsters, Inc. pt.2
Todays post is more Monster, Inc art. From the book The Art of Monsters, Inc. enjoy!
MOMA Day pt.1
Today post are some beautiful classic cars! I LOVE a restored classic, these where at the MOMA in nyc. I had not been there in a few years, and jumped at the opportunity to go for work. Enjoy these beautiful cars if ur around before they leave. It was a very pleasant surprise to see these, I showed up not having any idea of what was there..n when I saw these on the 2nd floor My face lite up and i was in bliss.
The Art of Ratatouille pt.6
Todays post is some Ratatouille art. This post is about kitchens!
Star Wars Art: Ralph McQuarrie pt.3
Todays post are some beautiful Star Wars painting from the book Star War: Ralph McQuarrie. In the coming weeks I will be post A LOT of concpet art from this book. Its a massive book and I love every page in it, so Im gonna share it.
Star Wars Art: Ralph McQuarrie pt.2
Todays update is more Star Wars!. Below are some scans from Ralph McQuarrie. McQaurrie is responsible for most if not all the concept art from the original trilogy. Enjoy!
Gusteaus Parisian Restaurant
Todays update is all about Gusteau. The images below are from Pixars’ Art Of Series, This one being Ratatouille. Enjoy!
Cartoon Modern pt.10
Todays post is the last bit of the book Cartoon Modern by Amid Amidi. With this post we wrap up this beautiful book, definitely one of my favorite books to do with animation. Thanks to all these super talented artist for creating some of the most visual delightful illustrations and animations of their time.