brad bird

The Art of The Incredibles 2 pt.13

Todays blog post is the final installment of the book The Art of The Incredibles 2. A wonderful film and a beautiful book full of amazing gems. check out the previous post for the entire book. I love scanning these books and sharing them with my community, thank you to everyone who visits this blog from all over the world..I SEE YOU! n i appreciate you! enjoy!

The Art of The Incredibles 2 pt.12

Todays blog post is more Incredibles 2 production art, enjoy!

The Art of The Incredibles 2

Todays blog post is the start of a new book, The Art of The Incredibles 2. I uploaded the first book a last year and its finally time to share the second installment of the series. I love this series its one of pixar’s best work from their old days. Super hero’s living during the art deco times…whats not to like!

The Art of Ratatouille pt.9

Todays blog post is the last of Pixar’s Art Of Series, We close out Ratatouille. I love this movie, It’s a film I actually did not watch when it first came out, instead i watched it many years later. When I finally did watch it I was in aww by how good the film was. Brad Bird is a master of his craft. I love the art in this book, check it out at your local library or scroll through my blog and see what the book has to offer. My aim with this blog is to share art, Inspire and educate.

I have been sick for about 4 days nows, I got a cold over the weekend and have been fighting a fever, cough and congestion. I am over the worst of it and feeling more like my normal self. So its back to my normal daily post. Thank you for visiting my blog!

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Gusteaus Parisian Restaurant

Todays update is all about Gusteau. The images below are from Pixars’ Art Of Series, This one being Ratatouille. Enjoy!

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