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Cartoon Modern pt.9

Todays update is more Cartoon Modern, We are almost done with this book. I only have a few little things left to upload. Enjoy these beautiful scans from Amid Amidi book.

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Animation Studios Of The 1950’s pt.2

Todays post is more animation studios from the 1950s. This post is still part of my Cartoon Modern series. Its such a beautiful book I must share it all. Enjoy!

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1950's Animation Inspirations

Todays blog post are some beautiful pages from Amid Amidi book Cartoon Modern. Check it out if you want to know more about animation in the 1950’s. A great book. Enjoy!

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Cartoon Modern pt.1

Todays update is the start of a new book for the club! It’s a favorite of mine for many reasons. For starters I just love the 1950 art style of the smaller animation studios. It was a time in history where a lot really talented people got together and experimented. The booming economy fueled the growth of the modern cartoon look. The book Carton Modern by Amid Amidi is packed with beautiful images of the area. Pick it up if you want to learn more.

Toot Whistle Plunk and Boom 1953

Toot Whistle Plunk and Boom 1953

Toot Whistle Plunk and Boom 1953

Toot Whistle Plunk and Boom 1953

Toot Whistle Plunk and Boom 1953

Toot Whistle Plunk and Boom 1953

Petroushka 1956

Petroushka 1956


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BG concept by Jules Engel for The Alvin Show 1961

BG concept by Jules Engel for The Alvin Show 1961