film still

Cartoon Modern pt.4

Todays update are some beautiful full size scans from Cartoon Modern. Enjoy these amazing 1950’s style animation stills.

Rooty Toot Toot 1952

Rooty Toot Toot 1952

Flebus 1957

Flebus 1957

Gerald McBoin Boin

Gerald McBoin Boin

Woodpecker From Mars 1956

Woodpecker From Mars 1956

Hotsy Footsy 1952

Hotsy Footsy 1952

Pigs Is Pigs 1954

Pigs Is Pigs 1954

101 Dalmatians 1961

101 Dalmatians 1961

Cartoon Modern pt.1

Todays update is the start of a new book for the club! It’s a favorite of mine for many reasons. For starters I just love the 1950 art style of the smaller animation studios. It was a time in history where a lot really talented people got together and experimented. The booming economy fueled the growth of the modern cartoon look. The book Carton Modern by Amid Amidi is packed with beautiful images of the area. Pick it up if you want to learn more.

Toot Whistle Plunk and Boom 1953

Toot Whistle Plunk and Boom 1953

Toot Whistle Plunk and Boom 1953

Toot Whistle Plunk and Boom 1953

Toot Whistle Plunk and Boom 1953

Toot Whistle Plunk and Boom 1953

Petroushka 1956

Petroushka 1956


CM 21.png

BG concept by Jules Engel for The Alvin Show 1961

BG concept by Jules Engel for The Alvin Show 1961

Iconic images of the 20th century

todays update is about iconic posters and images. three beautifully illustrated and one picture. all from the book animal: exploring the zoological world

smokey bear 1957 poster

jaws poster 1975

king kong poster 1933

loch ness moster poster