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On the Origin of Species by Charles Darwin pt.1
On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection written by, Charles Darwin
On the origin of species (as its commonly known) is a fascinating book by the one and only Charles Darwin. this was not Darwin’s first book, but its my first Darwin book. I am a big believer in reading and learning and this book has been on the list for some time know, one day i came across while searching the library shelfs for something new to read. its a beautiful big blue book filled with A LOT of words and quite a few beautiful illustrations. not sure if Darwin him self made the illustrations but he certainly made all the observations. If you like history and science and nature or just learning i highly recommend the book.
below are a few beautiful pages from the first few charters -enjoy
the book is a bit dry but its packed with amazing facts and observations, so much that its a pretty easy read, its just a lot of information
if you want to learn more about Darwin and what made him who he became, read the book Mastery by Robert Greene. Greene covers Darwin in one of his chapters. an amazing book! the audiobook is available on youtube. this is a link to Greenes website.
this illustrations are sooooooooo coooooool!
Big Beautiful Blue Book
How I made art for Mom, a short look into my process
What do you get someone for their birthday when they don’t really want anything and you don’t wanna show ur love through materialistic things cause you not about that life? well…I’m glad you asked… Well that someone was my mom, and so being that I am an artist, I was like duhh, I’ll just draw her something and frame it.
I spent about one week on the project in between work and being sick, so it took a bit longer than expected but I finally finished it up and I will say I am happy with the final out come.
I will share a the work that led to the final outcome. I usually do multiple drafts before a design is settled on. I started with some small thumb nails, right from the start I kinda new it would be a small project because I had done a larger of a similar idea. That project was for a friends wedding gift a few months ago and it took way longer and was with oil pastels (I will eventually upload the work) this one was with color pencil.
So here are a few of the thumb nails

This project was 8.5 by 11 inches. I did a few sketches on what it could look like and I add color

I moved on to the big framing, by this point I was not 100% on the design so I played around some more but the final design was found pretty fast. As the design evolved I played with color variations and some familiar shapes patterns.

This project took longer then expected and the main reason was indecisiveness on my part. I could not come to an agreement for a final color combo. I took a few days to think and the thoughts settled, woke up one morning and my first though while laying in bed where “ I am going to finish this today, no more indecisiveness, today we choose and live with those choices”. And so here we have the it the final design, all that remains is picking a proper frame.
Colored pencil on 8.5 by 11in paper