
Constellation and some war dogs

today’s update are some more beautiful illustrations from Animal exploring the zoological world.



Travel log #10

A few photos from the 1st time in Paris France. it was okay, only spent 3 days there.

a new yorker in paris, culture shock

a new yorker in paris, culture shock

paris hall way gardens

paris hall way gardens

view was so nice but it was really foggy, couldn’t see very far

view was so nice but it was really foggy, couldn’t see very far

embracing the culture…HARD

embracing the culture…HARD

just a new yorker leaving his mark in paris

just a new yorker leaving his mark in paris

really old dead people

really old dead people

squad on a long walk

squad on a long walk



Spain 2019 trip

A recent trip to my favorite place Barcelona Spain. I really really really really love the city of Barcelona, this was my 4th time there with a 5th already in the works. It is a place rich in culture, art and architecture. Growing up I thought about being an architect life how ever took me in another direction but not to far. When I travel a must is to wonder the streets with my sketch book, I stop and I draw I observe and process. Drawing the city and trying to capture all its glory is a challenge but a fun and satisfying one. It is one of my favorite things to do even when Im in my home city.

A few pics from Valencia a city 4 hours south of Barcelona, It’s known for its City of Arts and Sciences which I must say is Spectacular!. A must visit for anyone, its architecture is out of this world. Its scale and design is something very rare. We need more gems like this. Talk about thinking outside the box