pixar animation studios

ONWARD pt.11

ONWARD pt.11

Scans from the book The Art of Onward

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The Art of Finding Nemo pt.5

Todays blog post is more art from the Pixar book The Art of Finding Nemo

The Art of The Incredibles 2 pt.13

Todays blog post is the final installment of the book The Art of The Incredibles 2. A wonderful film and a beautiful book full of amazing gems. check out the previous post for the entire book. I love scanning these books and sharing them with my community, thank you to everyone who visits this blog from all over the world..I SEE YOU! n i appreciate you! enjoy!

The Art of The Incredibles 2

Todays blog post is the start of a new book, The Art of The Incredibles 2. I uploaded the first book a last year and its finally time to share the second installment of the series. I love this series its one of pixar’s best work from their old days. Super hero’s living during the art deco times…whats not to like!