
Wacom 15x PL 550 LCD tablet

working on Germs in 2015

working on Germs in 2015

todays update is about a Wacom tablet I used to have. It was a gift from a very good friend from the post art school days. A buddy of mine was running his own animation studio out of his apartment and could pay for help from time to time on his projects. I would go for the day and help him animate and composite stuff. His home studio was and still is impressive. One of the first real hustlers I met on the freelance scene.

His set up was three work stations in a tiny tiny room. Three because it was that tiny, call it a half room. He built his studio over the years and did it all with used tech. I was impressed by his philosophy which was, “you dont need all the new stuff, old stuff is cheap and it works just fine” this was such a impressionable moment for me, I knew this already but I never really thought much about it and this was the first time I say it being applied in the real world. Seeing his builds and his dedicationI was really humbling.

This leads to the post, he gave me my first drawing table. I had a wacom bamboo that i had used since about 2009 but this was my first LCD screen. I went on to create two short cartoons “GERMS & APC’S Space Show” while using it in 2014-2017 and many doodles and other animation things. I have since moved on from this tech for over 2 years now, I am now working with a friends Wacom 13in Cintiq. It is used and works just fine.

I just want to say thank you to my friends Berdian and Elmer, my work is possible in part because of you guys support, I appreciate you both! RIP to the tablet it served me very well but it was time to let go, making room for the next gen in my home studio.

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