alex escobar

FRANK production blog 25

todays update is about backgrounds!

rather a specific BG (as it is usually abbreviated) or rather a few versions of the opening pan.

i just wanna say thank you to anyone who ever reads this, i appreciate that you took the time to look at my art and read a few of my words. my goal is always to inspired and educate so i don’t mind sharing my process, i like the open source community and i feel myself drifting into that for when it comes to my work. much of the work i share will be spoiler stuff for most and while im trying to not share enough that the project will still leave an impact, i also want to be open and give people a reason to come back to the site, any who thank you enjoy!

1st draft

1st draft

the above drawing is the 1st draft of the pan background, these were digitally done about 4 years ago in photoshop.

the below drawing was the next version of it and a bit more elaborate. i did this one a long with the rest of the 1st batch in pencil. i really enjoyed drawing this version.

2nd draft pencil and animation paper HD size

2nd draft pencil and animation paper HD size

3rd draft

3rd draft

the above draft was done about 2 years ago using TVPaint, my main animation program. FRANK will be my 3rd project using it since i bought it why back in 2012. couldn’t find a good version of the pan, so this mock up will have to do.

and finally the latest version of the pan. a more cleaned up and closer to final version. the one we will see in the final project will be a bit different still, these thing never end you just run out of time and have to leave it, such is animation for me.

4th draft almost final!

4th draft almost final!