john hubley

Cartoon Modern pt.8

Todays post is more Cartoon Modern. We are almost done covering this book. Enjoy!

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Animation Studios Of The 1950's pt.1

Hey! hope you enjoyed your weekend, I was busy building IKEA furniture. Todays update is more Cartoon Modern by Amid Amidi. Below are a few scans from some animation studios of the 1950s and around so. I will post the rest of the alphabet during the week.

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Cartoon Modern pt.7

Todays update is a massive upload from Amid Amidi book Cartoon Modern; Style and Design in Fifties Animation.

Punchy De Leon 1950

Punchy De Leon 1950

Jules Engle’s Magoo BackGrounds

Jules Engle’s Magoo BackGrounds

Jule's Engel’s Magoo BackGround

Jule's Engel’s Magoo BackGround

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The Littlest Giant 1955

The Littlest Giant 1955

Peter Pan 1953

Peter Pan 1953

101 Dalmatians 1961

101 Dalmatians 1961

The Matador and The Troubadour 1956

The Matador and The Troubadour 1956

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Sleeping Beauty 1959

Sleeping Beauty 1959

Destination Earth 1956

Destination Earth 1956

Coppertone Suntan Lotion Commercial

Coppertone Suntan Lotion Commercial


Todays update is more Cartoon Modern, I want to high light one of my favorite animation studios. United Productions of America or UPA for short. They made some amazing works of art. True mastery from everyone involved. The images below are from the book by amid amidi.

Flat Hatting 1946

Flat Hatting 1946

The Jaywalker 1956

The Jaywalker 1956

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Cartoon Modern pt.4

Todays update are some beautiful full size scans from Cartoon Modern. Enjoy these amazing 1950’s style animation stills.

Rooty Toot Toot 1952

Rooty Toot Toot 1952

Flebus 1957

Flebus 1957

Gerald McBoin Boin

Gerald McBoin Boin

Woodpecker From Mars 1956

Woodpecker From Mars 1956

Hotsy Footsy 1952

Hotsy Footsy 1952

Pigs Is Pigs 1954

Pigs Is Pigs 1954

101 Dalmatians 1961

101 Dalmatians 1961

Cartoon Modern pt.3

Todays update is more beautiful Cartoon Modern Images. I love this book, Amid Amidi has put together a marvelous book. Check his blog. WWW.CARTOONBREW.COM

Fred Crippen

Fred Crippen

Black and White 1933. Directors : Ivan Ivanov-vano and Leonid Amalrik

Black and White 1933. Directors : Ivan Ivanov-vano and Leonid Amalrik

John Hubley Ward Kimball September 1949 Record Changer

John Hubley Ward Kimball September 1949 Record Changer

Cartoon Modern

Cartoon Modern

Del Emde Film Stills

Del Emde Film Stills

Kool-Aid Commerical Designer unkown Model Sheet

Kool-Aid Commerical Designer unkown Model Sheet