new york art

FRANK production blog 10

todays update consist of some rough key frames for a scene and a few old story boards. this scene has been a lot of fun to work with, pretty easy and simple action to animate. the biggest challenge has been the flowers, trying to keep count of all the petals and their size in every frame. non the less the scene has been easy and fun. it needs one more pass of clean up, and then on to coloring. the colors are subject to change a bit

rough back ground and colors for this scene

rough back ground and colors for this scene

more updated key frame

more updated key frame

more updated key frame

more updated key frame

more updated key frame

more updated key frame

more updated key frame

more updated key frame

old draft key frame

old draft key frame

old draft key frame

old draft key frame

old draft key frame

old draft key frame

old story board

old story board

more updated board with character design

more updated board with character design

old story board, possibly the 1st draft a very very long time ago

old story board, possibly the 1st draft a very very long time ago

FRANK production blog 8

No big update today, but got some good images to show.

!!!MAJOR reveal alert!!!

These are a few animation keys I recently finished up. I cant wait to color them and composite the scenes. I cant wait to be done with this thing, animation is hard!!!……

But I been enjoying the whole process even when it moves at snail speed, which honestly is like 70% of the time….

The Game aka distraction aka life

The Game aka distraction aka life

4x4 vision

4x4 vision

all for one and one for all

all for one and one for all

4x4 vision3.png