
FRANK production blog 23

tonights update is some old color study thumbnails from about 2 year ago. some ideas for colors for FRANKS apartment. these designs have change and so have the colors, but i enjoy looking at them because the 1st draft of anything is usually the closest most honest depiction of whats in your head.

FRANKS apartment color studies and pots

FRANKS apartment color studies and pots

FRANK production blog 8

No big update today, but got some good images to show.

!!!MAJOR reveal alert!!!

These are a few animation keys I recently finished up. I cant wait to color them and composite the scenes. I cant wait to be done with this thing, animation is hard!!!……

But I been enjoying the whole process even when it moves at snail speed, which honestly is like 70% of the time….

The Game aka distraction aka life

The Game aka distraction aka life

4x4 vision

4x4 vision

all for one and one for all

all for one and one for all

4x4 vision3.png

FRANK production blog 4

My process of making animations is always an experimental one. Im trying to do something I’ve not done before. No matter how similar projects can seem they always have their own unique challenges. I’m constantly trying new things, design, color, story, timing, all these things take a long time to figure out. The more ways you experiment with the more clearer you’r vision of the project becomes. (or at least that’s the goal) Below are a few images from FRANK, some really old, some pretty recent all things a work in progress

Above we have the 1st draft back ground and some color/value studies. This was done in pencil and photoshop

Below we have the the 2nd draft back ground along with color/value studies, and below that we have the 3rd draft background. These where done digitally in TVPaint

I’m more then certain the final designs will be different, I’ve yet to figure it out but the more time I put into experimenting the clear the vision becomes. Let me not forget to mention that ANIMATION IS HARD, but some much FUN