frank production blog

FRANK production blog 84

Todays FRANK update are some plant concepts I did a while back. While trying to figure out what plants I wanted to include in his apartment I did a a few different concept sketches. These are some of the final versions I choose. I have been extremely busy with a mural Im painting so I went all January with out really working on the film. I’m trying to manage my time better so I can continue to make progress. Im currently editing the opening scene and making corrections. So I don’t have much to share as of lately but I will continue to share the little progress I make when I can spare the time.

snake plants and planter concept art

Three different plants, trying to figure out how to arrange them best

snake plant concept art, snake plants and potters

A few different designs for one of the Snake Plant

snake plants and planters,cactus plants drawing

FRANK production blog 82

Todays FRANK update are some background designs. Mostly the introduction background and the plants that live in FRANKs apartment. While I knew I wanted a room full of plants outside of roses a cactus and some sunflowers a didnt really know what else I wanted to include. Now that I have finished coloring and compositing most of the scene I felt it was time I sat down and picked what plants I was gonna draw.

Left side redesign background

Right side redesign background

Color test for the Plants of the Left

Line up of Plants

FRANK production blog 81

Todays FRANK update is a small one. I have been very busy with life matters so I haven’t been able to put much work into the project last month and this month. However its still moving along just as at a slower pace. Below is a screen shot of the opening scene. Its taking me a long time to color and comp this scene. Its longer then I expected it to be which feels nice. There is still much work to be done on this scene, I will update once I have had more time to devote to it

frank production blog, 2d animation, after effects animation, independent film

FRANK production blog 80

Hey Ya’ll its been a while, I have been very busy chipping away at very important scenes. Here is a quick update on what i have been doing.

frank production blog, 2d animation blog, animation film update, animation photoshop

When I first started coloring this scene I didnt realize there was a design problem (can you spot it?), I ended up coloring the entire scene and when I was in post I saw the error and so I need to update the animation.

frank production blog, 2d animation production blog, 2d animation, photoshop animation

I went back into TVPaint and cleaned up the animation and design. Took a few days but it wasn’t to difficult. It was nice jumping back into some animation after months of coloring. I had last touched this scene 2 years ago. The most challenging thing was remembering how I had set up the file and trying to update it without messing it up

frank production blog, 2d animation production blog, 2d animation, photoshop animation

I have been coloring this scene, Im almost done but there is still a lot to do cause its a very long scene. Almost 30 seconds of animation (broken into 3 actions but its run on. Its gonna look so good when its complete. This is possibly the biggest and last challenge for the animation of the film. The next step Post is gonna bring a whole different set which Im looking forward to cause it means progress!

FRANK production blog 79

Todays blog post are a few screen shots of the introduction scene. I had been working to clean up the animation on this very long scene. I am happy to say about 1 week ago I finished. So I been working on coloring the 89 frame scene. It will without a doubt take about 2 or 3 months to complete due to its size and complexity. This is a full body shot which mean a lot of coloring and outlining. Never the less it will be fun and I am very close to being done with all animation and coloring.

frank production blog, tvpaint animation frame, 2d animation screen shot

FRANK opening the door

frank production blog, 2d animation art

FRANK production blog 74

Todays FRANK update are some images of our guy FRANK. In this scene his upper body moves, So I decided to split him in half only color the top half in order to save time and to keep the lines neater. It was a fun scene, originally i was gonna color all of him every frame, but then I realized I didn’t have to. Like a true 2D animator I got to cheat in this scene.

Im still working on this scene the background has been very challenging more me to complete. Its been a very slow grind, however I will over come and when I do I’ll have a nice fat post to share!

FRANK production blog 73

Todays production update is scene16A. This shot took some time because I hadn’t done any rough animation since the first draft of the animatic. I had a few color sketches but no more then 4-5. However despite not having a ton of concept art for the idea I knew what I wanted since the very beginning. I didn’t see a reason to change it much, the biggest experimental’s where the colors and the timing. So it was pretty easy to piece together but it did take some time to animate due to all the layers it comes with. I have to change a few timing issues, its a match cut so it needs to read right. I will come back to a final pass soon enough.

concept art for animation, photoshop file for animation film, frank production blog

Photoshop color frame

concept art for animation film, frank production art, photoshop file from animation film

Photoshop color frame and layer

concept art for animation film, animatic still from animation film, frank production blog

Animatic still from the scene

after effects frame from the film, frank film production still, frank production blog, screen shot of adobe after effects

After Effects still from the scene

FRANK production blog 71

Todays update are some screen shots from a scene I wrapped up a few weeks ago. This scene in where you first see the game FRANK is playing. I had only storyboarded the scene and done rough animation on after effects, So returning to this scene was exciting for two reasons. One, I was closer to the finish line. Two, it was finally time to tackle this scene after years of waiting. The challenged was at the door step, a challenge I was looking forward to over coming. My vision for the scene never really changed since the very first draft.

As I started working on it I added elements to experiment. Found some that worked and some that didnt…so I got to experiment and I really enjoyed this process. I got it done rather quickly.

photoshop file from the scene

Very old very rough color test for the scene

color test

animation frame

Multiple variations of the scene, I could not decided so I put together this to help aid