traditional animation

FRANK production blog 74

Todays FRANK update are some images of our guy FRANK. In this scene his upper body moves, So I decided to split him in half only color the top half in order to save time and to keep the lines neater. It was a fun scene, originally i was gonna color all of him every frame, but then I realized I didn’t have to. Like a true 2D animator I got to cheat in this scene.

Im still working on this scene the background has been very challenging more me to complete. Its been a very slow grind, however I will over come and when I do I’ll have a nice fat post to share!

FRANK production blog 54

Todays FRANK update is a few color frames. The first frame is what im currently coloring, its about 17 frames long. The next two frames are older color test, with pen lines and with outlines. I want a lineless look and i have done a few color test inorder to see the movement in color.

I continure to color daily, I have roughly 33 scenes and im about 4 or 5 scene into color