Todays blog post are some screen shots of the game scene. I have completed to animation for it, its taken a few session of chipping away slowly to get the right feel. I experimented a lot with the scene so every day was slow progress but after all the problem solving Im happy with the final out come. Its pretty close to the original draft
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Todays update are some screen shots from a scene I wrapped up a few weeks ago. This scene in where you first see the game FRANK is playing. I had only storyboarded the scene and done rough animation on after effects, So returning to this scene was exciting for two reasons. One, I was closer to the finish line. Two, it was finally time to tackle this scene after years of waiting. The challenged was at the door step, a challenge I was looking forward to over coming. My vision for the scene never really changed since the very first draft.
As I started working on it I added elements to experiment. Found some that worked and some that didnt…so I got to experiment and I really enjoyed this process. I got it done rather quickly.
photoshop file from the scene
Very old very rough color test for the scene
color test
animation frame
Multiple variations of the scene, I could not decided so I put together this to help aid
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Todays FRANK update are some screen shots from a scene I finished a few weeks back. In this scene Frank drops his flowers and does a turn around before walking of screen. Some of the biggest challenges with this scene was making sure the flowers hitting the water n vase went smooth. I finished animating this scene about 2 years ago and when I worked on the color script I simply did a rough pass. So when it was time to color I wasn’t sure how it would go. It took about 1 month to color the scene. This is one of the few shots where we see a full body FRANK.
I have been working on the final design n color for the background. But for the most part what you see is what you’ll get!
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Todays FRANK update are some screen shots from my most recent scene. I finally made it to the closing scene, I only roughed out theanimation, so working on this was a little challenging due to not have a final animation pass. I colored and experimented with shadows while coloring this scene. It took about 2 week to complete. Im happy with the outcome. This being the closing scene in the film it was very important It convays the right emotion. Hoping i nailed it!
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Todays FRANK update are some images of my compositing process thus far. I have a lot of scene finished and ready for final renders, So i starting putting together a new animatic. The bottom images show most of the scenes I’ve finished. It feels nice to see all the weeks of hard work come together to form the big picture. Still lots to do on the project but every day I get closer to finishing it.
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Todays FRANK update are a few screen shots from a very short scene I colored a few weeks back. In this scene FRANK picks up the game and we see his reflection, right before he loses his temper and sees RED. I spent some time just looking at the scene and trying to picture how the colors would mix, It took some time to process it and after some experimenting I was able to finish the scene
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Todays FRANK update the about a new scene I recently completed. This scene is a two parter, Sc15 has and A and a B part. Below are screen captures of both. We see FRANK happy and in mid clap then we see the game charging on the table. I am currently finalizing the back grounds for this scene.
This scene took me ten days to color, Coming from a scene that took three months to complete to ten days was such a relief. I had been feeling a little stuck or slowed in my progress, this happened with all large scenes tho. By the time you’re reading this post I would have selected my final look.
FRANK clapping in joy
FRANK clapping in joy but in color
The game in its low battery mode
FRANK production blog 65
Todays FRANK update is one I been forgetting to post. This Scene (Sc14) took me about three months to color. There are A LOT of moving parts to this scene I will try and break it down a bit.
First we have four flower pots, two in the back and two in the front, only the front ones move but each has 3 sunflowers that move with it. Each sunflower has twelve pedals, So coloring these was a slow process. Next is FRANK’s hand coming into frame and moving the pots and grabbing the charger.
First Frame Set Up
Nine frames In and we have contact
FRANK Reaching
Compositing The Scene
This screen shot is from when I was compositing the scene, there are a total of Fourty-Six frames. While compositing I was able to see a few small mistakes I made during the coloring, lucky for me all errors where easily corrected, they took about 3-4 days. The scene was a bit challenging when it came to coloring all the elements that moved. There was foreground middle ground and back ground elements. I struggled a bit but for the most part this was a pretty straight foreword scene that didn’t require any redoing, just a few layering issues.
A few words about the scene, this is one of the more longer scenes in the film and it took a long time to complete but the final look (not pictured in the screen shot) came out great and I am really happy with all the effort it took.
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Todays blog post is something different, I recently finished coloring a short but complex scene, Im not entirely sure where I messed up but I cant save my photoshop file into a PNG file. Its been a real headache trying to get this to work, I tired a few things from, saving different types of jpegs and tiff files, but my problem remains. The issue is when I try to import into After Effects cs6 Im getting a error message. I haven’t spent much time trying to figure it out because I have other scenes which Im more interested in finishing, so this minor set back will have to wait a few weeks. I will figure it out in time but for now here are some errors messages, enjoy!
my latest error code
FRANK production still
FRANK production blog 63
Todays update are a few screen shots from last weeks progress. I have been having a lot of fun with my approach to coloring and designing these backgrounds. They are the first and only glimpes at the after math, so these stills are kinda a big deal for the story. However I want to keep it lose and just have fun.
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Todays FRANKs update is exciting!I am starting a new scene which is a great feeling after grinding for 4 months on just one scene. Its a long scene and it has huge importance to the film. Im quite happy with the animation also, it looks very nice moving in color as Im currently compositing it
Any way this new scene is very different, its just stills. So Im basically painting 4 different backgrounds. Its nice because I can have fun and just paint. Weird enough I have been coloring for a long time now but rearly has it felt like painting. This new scene feels like painting and Im loving it and enjoying the process
Drawing a favorite of mine, flower pots! I love these things
A rough from maybe the 3rd pass a few years ago. I love the way the green came out, but sadly this wont be the final color.