2d animation

FRANK production blog 66

Todays FRANK update the about a new scene I recently completed. This scene is a two parter, Sc15 has and A and a B part. Below are screen captures of both. We see FRANK happy and in mid clap then we see the game charging on the table. I am currently finalizing the back grounds for this scene.

This scene took me ten days to color, Coming from a scene that took three months to complete to ten days was such a relief. I had been feeling a little stuck or slowed in my progress, this happened with all large scenes tho. By the time you’re reading this post I would have selected my final look.

FRANK clapping in joy

FRANK clapping in joy but in color

The game in its low battery mode

FRANK production blog 65

Todays FRANK update is one I been forgetting to post. This Scene (Sc14) took me about three months to color. There are A LOT of moving parts to this scene I will try and break it down a bit.

First we have four flower pots, two in the back and two in the front, only the front ones move but each has 3 sunflowers that move with it. Each sunflower has twelve pedals, So coloring these was a slow process. Next is FRANK’s hand coming into frame and moving the pots and grabbing the charger.

First Frame Set Up

Nine frames In and we have contact

FRANK Reaching

Compositing The Scene

This screen shot is from when I was compositing the scene, there are a total of Fourty-Six frames. While compositing I was able to see a few small mistakes I made during the coloring, lucky for me all errors where easily corrected, they took about 3-4 days. The scene was a bit challenging when it came to coloring all the elements that moved. There was foreground middle ground and back ground elements. I struggled a bit but for the most part this was a pretty straight foreword scene that didn’t require any redoing, just a few layering issues.

A few words about the scene, this is one of the more longer scenes in the film and it took a long time to complete but the final look (not pictured in the screen shot) came out great and I am really happy with all the effort it took.

FRANK production blog 56

Its been few weeks since the last update, so here is a quick peek into the process so since we last spoke.

I been working on long scene for a few weeks now, this scene when FRANK smells his flowers at the window is about 42 frames. Each frame has about 3-4 layers and so its taking some time. I have found the rhythm after the first few frame so the moral is high with this scene, especially since I just passed the half way mark. The last scene was just as long but i overcame that one and going into this scene i knew it would be very similar. However I was aware that it would be rough at first but i would find my rhythm and before i knew it i would be finishing up the scene and exploring the file. I am happy to say im still in high spirits and might have even caught a second wind, stay tooned for more updates

FRANK production blog 53

Happy new year to all. Todays production post is a still from my color script. Before the end of 2021 I was working on putting together a color script for the film. It took a few weeks but I finally finished it and have started coloring scenes. The image below is not a final color, some of it is subject to change but the final look will pretty much look like so.

FRANK production blog 49

below are some really early production sketches. maybe from 2017-18, pre production for sure. i used animation paper for sketching because i enjoy the over size paper and i just have tons of it from my art school days. so rather then they collect dust i use them.

the images below are mostly thumbnail to a 1/4 the page. i was trying to find the right balance for franks apartment, what kind of plants he would have and how many, he also has art on his walls so i had fun coming up with those

frank at his desk

frank at his desk

frank standing by his desk

frank standing by his desk

frank standing by his desk

frank standing by his desk

frank on the opposite side of the room, there wa a book shelf early into the disgns

frank on the opposite side of the room, there was a book shelf early into the design

frank by his desk

frank by his desk

frank by the window

frank by the window

frank standing by his plant, he also had a watering container early on.

frank standing by his plant, he also had a watering container early on.

frank by the door, the walls where a bit funky also

frank by the door, the walls where a bit funky also

FRANK production blog 5

Todays I wanna share a few thumbnails, boards and other sketches from my film. Animation is a long process and I really enjoy the pre production stage.

For any project it might be my favorite stage. I’m really captivated by the freedom to invent and experiment with design. It’s so much fun to play with ideas and just come up with the most odd things, things that sometimes end up making it to the final project and sometimes finding their way to a different project.

I had a general idea of what I wanted the world of Frank to look like but its always hard to find the right combination givens all the POSSIBILITIES! 

I got a few early and i mean early sketches of Franks apartment. I even found an orthographic view from really early on.  I also have a few building drafts, for the outside world, and some early color studies. I’m still unsure of which direction I will go with. I like both city and isolated versions. Everything shown here has evolved over the past months but the new versions still have a little bit of these drawings in them. A final pass is coming soon to pick the right one.

anyway enjoy all the brain farts from a few years ago.