
FRANK production blog 54

Todays FRANK update is a few color frames. The first frame is what im currently coloring, its about 17 frames long. The next two frames are older color test, with pen lines and with outlines. I want a lineless look and i have done a few color test inorder to see the movement in color.

I continure to color daily, I have roughly 33 scenes and im about 4 or 5 scene into color

FRANK production blog 52

Hello! it’ss been a minute but Im still chipping away! This blog post is a color study on the opening scene. I have drawn this background many many time’s but I have yet to find the right one. I recently started working on it again, this time around Im liking what I have, it feel’s stronger and more fitting then the previous ones.

This scene will have a day time and night time, so I been playing around with colors. The blue and black skies will remain but Im still not sure on the layout.

FRANK production blog 51

Todays FRANK update are some color studies for the big crying scene. I have been working on coloring some scenes hoping to find FRANKs visual style. Color is super important and from the beginning I had some sure ideas of what colors I was going to use. Over the last few months I have been putting together mock color scenes trying to find the films final look. Im very happy to say as the days go by i am more and more confident in what the film will look like. This crying scene is one fo the longest in the film, over 100 frames to color! Send me your good vibes!

For this scene I want to experiment with the BG, FRANK is hurting and so I want to remove him from his location and have him feel as though he is in limbo. So i been playing around with designs and colors. There is still much left to be done but im enjoying the process every day!

For this scene I want to experiment with the BG, FRANK is hurting and so I want to remove him from his location and have him feel as though he is in limbo. So i been playing around with designs and colors. There is still much left to be done but im enjoying the process every day!



final animation drawing

final animation drawing

2nd draft of digital storyboards

2nd draft of digital storyboards

FRANK production blog 49

below are some really early production sketches. maybe from 2017-18, pre production for sure. i used animation paper for sketching because i enjoy the over size paper and i just have tons of it from my art school days. so rather then they collect dust i use them.

the images below are mostly thumbnail to a 1/4 the page. i was trying to find the right balance for franks apartment, what kind of plants he would have and how many, he also has art on his walls so i had fun coming up with those

frank at his desk

frank at his desk

frank standing by his desk

frank standing by his desk

frank standing by his desk

frank standing by his desk

frank on the opposite side of the room, there wa a book shelf early into the disgns

frank on the opposite side of the room, there was a book shelf early into the design

frank by his desk

frank by his desk

frank by the window

frank by the window

frank standing by his plant, he also had a watering container early on.

frank standing by his plant, he also had a watering container early on.

frank by the door, the walls where a bit funky also

frank by the door, the walls where a bit funky also

FRANK production blog 44

key poses.png

todays update is a pose sheet. these are some of the keys for the scene, i have been working on this for more then 1 month now. im really happy with the out come but there is still much todo before it is ready for color.

although im not active, i am devoted to my art and usually do a good job at putting time into it daily. some days are better then others. somedays i end up redoing the entire scene, however it is all for the best. i trust the process and dont want to rush because of FOMO. It will be ready soon but not till its done.

FRANK production blog 43

todays update consists of two variations on a scene, i wasn’t happy with the original one so i redrew it. i also played with the colors a bit. which one will make it to the final cut is yet to be determine! ..also i haven’t updated much for to many reasons, but as always im chipping away on it. a lot of a little

color study 2020

color study 2020

color study 2020

color study 2020

old story boards of the scene, 2015 ??

old story boards of the scene, 2015 ??

FRANK production blog 41

todays update is a continuation of the last two updates. its the scene im currently working on. its a updated animatic version, it has some updated animation but still a ways from being final.

as i’ve mention previously, this version of the film is closer to the original animatic and boards, it was not the route i was taking but i recently starting questioning if i was happy with the direction i had settled on months ago. i will animate the scenes and play around with the editing but i wont know which way it will go until the very end.

FRANK production blog 40

todays update is about the scene i been currently working on. the video below is taken from the original animatic put together about 4 years ago. it is very raw and is probably the truest expression of FRANK that i have done. since then i made cuts in order to save time, however i have currently gone full circle. as i continue to refine the film i have decided i do not like the updated version and started thumb nailing this version. i have roughed out the animation and put it together in order to improve my options for the final edit. next post will contain the updated version of this scene.

FRANK production blog 39

todays update will be about a scene i had finished months ago…or so i thought.

This week I did an over pass of all the scenes and all animation for FRANK, I was doing edits on a scene I was not happy with. In the process I ended up redoing some if not all the animation. I started redrawing some of the keys when I had the idea, Do I even need this scene? Could I tell this part of the story better? as I often ask myself. And so I went back to the original animatic and boards as I often do when not sure what move to make. The original draft is longer but as I’ve mentioned before on this blog I always feel like its the truest interpretation of what I want to say. It being longer has lead to many cuts being removed or redesigned.

In this scene FRANK plugs the device into the wall using a usb. We focus on FRANK with a neat camera swipe.The other version (original) focuses equally on both FRANK and the device. FRANK plugs the device into the wall but the cord is already at his table and its done off screen with the shot ending on the device and what it wants. Both these scenes work great but I can only pick one. One almost fully animated while the other (longer) cut has to be animated from rough keys to final passes.

sc15 new board 1.png
sc15 new board 2.png
sc15 new board 3.png

As post this I have not decided which scene to go with, I need to give it more time and think about it. I do not mind adding more time to the production and animating a few new cuts, but at the same time I need to stay on schedule.