
FRANK production blog 54

Todays FRANK update is a few color frames. The first frame is what im currently coloring, its about 17 frames long. The next two frames are older color test, with pen lines and with outlines. I want a lineless look and i have done a few color test inorder to see the movement in color.

I continure to color daily, I have roughly 33 scenes and im about 4 or 5 scene into color

FRANK production blog 53

Happy new year to all. Todays production post is a still from my color script. Before the end of 2021 I was working on putting together a color script for the film. It took a few weeks but I finally finished it and have started coloring scenes. The image below is not a final color, some of it is subject to change but the final look will pretty much look like so.

FRANK production blog 52

Hello! it’ss been a minute but Im still chipping away! This blog post is a color study on the opening scene. I have drawn this background many many time’s but I have yet to find the right one. I recently started working on it again, this time around Im liking what I have, it feel’s stronger and more fitting then the previous ones.

This scene will have a day time and night time, so I been playing around with colors. The blue and black skies will remain but Im still not sure on the layout.