animation production

FRANK production blog 55

Todays blog update are some frames from the current scene I am coloring. I am almost ready to export and composite the animation, the back ground however is a different story, there is still some things left to tighten up before Im confident with marking it done.

This scene our big guy FRANK is coming from off screen and he is walking towards the window, this scene was a lot of fun to draw, it was a little challenging due to the perspective walk, but since its a 3/4 back shot its wasn’t to difficult once I shot some reference.

FRANK production blog 53

Happy new year to all. Todays production post is a still from my color script. Before the end of 2021 I was working on putting together a color script for the film. It took a few weeks but I finally finished it and have started coloring scenes. The image below is not a final color, some of it is subject to change but the final look will pretty much look like so.

FRANK production blog 41

todays update is a continuation of the last two updates. its the scene im currently working on. its a updated animatic version, it has some updated animation but still a ways from being final.

as i’ve mention previously, this version of the film is closer to the original animatic and boards, it was not the route i was taking but i recently starting questioning if i was happy with the direction i had settled on months ago. i will animate the scenes and play around with the editing but i wont know which way it will go until the very end.

FRANK production blog 21

today post is just a few images, some color and some black and white. I have been working non stop on clean up and its moving along very nicely. im excited for future post’s because i will be updating some animatic stuff and some rough animation very soon. stay tooned!

FRANK color study

FRANK color study

FRANK animation frame

FRANK animation frame

FRANK production blog 17

tonights update consist of the phone/gameboy

color study from about 1 year ago

color study from about 1 year ago

from the beginning i knew this device was to represent what we all have grown so dependent on, our smart phones. something fairly knew which we’ve gotten really attached to, some of us even have serious health side effects because of them. this phone/gameboy was something i was strongly pulled towards when first conceiving this project, partly because i really enjoy drawing it and partly because like most of us i use it daily and it has changed my life in many ways.

i think its very important for us to understand what this device does to our brains, that being said they arent a bad thing if you maintain a health balance.

below are some ideas of the evolution of this device, im almost sure what design i will go with but i still have some doubts at times on which version i like more and although all the animation involving it is pretty much complete.

1st draft of game boy, way back in 2015

1st draft of game boy, way back in 2015

this draft was more in the smart phone direction

this draft was more in the smart phone direction

smart phone design also

smart phone design also

gameboy design with smaller controls and larger screen

gameboy design with smaller controls and larger screen

gameboy design with different buttons

gameboy design with different buttons

closer to the final design, kinda looks like micky

closer to the final design, kinda looks like micky

had settled on this one but recently changed my mind…again..

had settled on this one but recently changed my mind…again..

i selected this as the main distraction in FRANKS life because i strongly feel that this is/can be a distraction in most of our lives. its cool and new and can come into our life without warning, it consumes all our time and attention thus ending with us ignoring whats most important to us. this is what this little thing represents in my film. i hope i can accurately convey these thoughts with these drawings in motion

color study

color study