FRANK production blog 41

todays update is a continuation of the last two updates. its the scene im currently working on. its a updated animatic version, it has some updated animation but still a ways from being final.

as i’ve mention previously, this version of the film is closer to the original animatic and boards, it was not the route i was taking but i recently starting questioning if i was happy with the direction i had settled on months ago. i will animate the scenes and play around with the editing but i wont know which way it will go until the very end.

FRANK production blog 15

todays update consist of a few drafts of the final (?) shot of this project. here we see a few different thoughts on what the final shot would look like. i am almost done with the backgrounds, they are taking longer then hoped but what doesn’t when it comes to making art..

thumb nails of what the final shot could look like, along with some some rough key frames of the animation

thumb nails of what the final shot could look like, along with some some rough key frames of the animation

a value study and the original final shot for the animatic but not the storyboards

a value study and the original final shot for the animatic but not the storyboards

a version closer to the final layout

a version closer to the final layout

some where along the process i decided to flip the building. i wanted to convey a sharp and un natural feel, something is out of place in the end, which is how the after math feels when we screw up in life. I also decided to distance the city, it suppose to give you a feeling of disconnect as well. does it do that well?, im not entirely sure, now that im uploading this im having second thought about its effectiveness…lol. there is much work left to be done but as always i look forward to taking it one day at a time.

a more updated version of the final layout.

a more updated version of the final layout.

FRANK production blog 11

Below are some screen shots of my work space. I use TV Paint 11. Its a very easy software to learn. Its specialize for 2D animation and works amazing. Frank will be my third animated cartoon using the program. It come from France and has been around for a while now.

I used the standard Adobe Flash when I was in art school and for some freelance projects after graduation. I didn’t like it so much, there are a few reasons why but i honestly think I am just bais towards it.

I been using TV PAINT for a while now and just keep loving it more and more. Im not very fluent with all that the programs offers, I have my methods and I stick to them however old school they may be.

There are two versions of the program, the student version and the professional version. check the site out for all the details

Still from FRANK

Still from FRANK

Still from FRANK

Still from FRANK

FRANK production blog 9

HEY THERE! Its been a while, thank you for coming back. I will not apologize for the time away, I have been very busy with the film, happy to say much progress has been made.

This update will be about the Alpha and the Omega.

Fun card for the film

Fun card for the film

Below are a few different variations of the opening scene. So many different way to introduce the character but can only animate one.


The thumbnails below are from me trying to figure out what composition I should go with. Now most of the scene is worked out in my head but Im still not sure on how to draw it…. the pressure!

Thumbnails of some layout options

Thumbnails of some layout options