making a cartoon

FRANK production blog 21

today post is just a few images, some color and some black and white. I have been working non stop on clean up and its moving along very nicely. im excited for future post’s because i will be updating some animatic stuff and some rough animation very soon. stay tooned!

FRANK color study

FRANK color study

FRANK animation frame

FRANK animation frame

FRANK production blog 20

todays post consist of some thumb nail color studies from a while back. i think these are from maybe 2 years ago. i had finished the 1st pass of back grounds on paper and gave them a quick simple coloring just to get a feel for the colors i was gravitating towards. the colors im currently experimenting with are different but i do love these 1st drafts.

color study

color study

color study

color study

newer color study

newer color study

FRANK production blog 15

todays update consist of a few drafts of the final (?) shot of this project. here we see a few different thoughts on what the final shot would look like. i am almost done with the backgrounds, they are taking longer then hoped but what doesn’t when it comes to making art..

thumb nails of what the final shot could look like, along with some some rough key frames of the animation

thumb nails of what the final shot could look like, along with some some rough key frames of the animation

a value study and the original final shot for the animatic but not the storyboards

a value study and the original final shot for the animatic but not the storyboards

a version closer to the final layout

a version closer to the final layout

some where along the process i decided to flip the building. i wanted to convey a sharp and un natural feel, something is out of place in the end, which is how the after math feels when we screw up in life. I also decided to distance the city, it suppose to give you a feeling of disconnect as well. does it do that well?, im not entirely sure, now that im uploading this im having second thought about its effectiveness…lol. there is much work left to be done but as always i look forward to taking it one day at a time.

a more updated version of the final layout.

a more updated version of the final layout.

FRANK production blog 5

Todays I wanna share a few thumbnails, boards and other sketches from my film. Animation is a long process and I really enjoy the pre production stage.

For any project it might be my favorite stage. I’m really captivated by the freedom to invent and experiment with design. It’s so much fun to play with ideas and just come up with the most odd things, things that sometimes end up making it to the final project and sometimes finding their way to a different project.

I had a general idea of what I wanted the world of Frank to look like but its always hard to find the right combination givens all the POSSIBILITIES! 

I got a few early and i mean early sketches of Franks apartment. I even found an orthographic view from really early on.  I also have a few building drafts, for the outside world, and some early color studies. I’m still unsure of which direction I will go with. I like both city and isolated versions. Everything shown here has evolved over the past months but the new versions still have a little bit of these drawings in them. A final pass is coming soon to pick the right one.

anyway enjoy all the brain farts from a few years ago.